Feb 20Liked by Tom Somerfield

It's like Rishi doing in Kier. I always wondered about David Kelly's death back in the WMD days.

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moDErN eRa

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Just by chance I stumbled across a gentleman called Bill Blum and we wrote back and forth for a few years and he had worked for USA GOV and left disillusioned and became a writer and in 2014 he told me what the Americans were up to regarding Russia/Ukraine etc. He wrote as follows----Bill Blum wrote this in 2014--So why are you and others like you in mainstream media creating the same mentality that started the First World War (and the Cold War)?…….That is, demonizing Putin and Russia instead of showing the history and motivation of Western invasion and interference in Ukraine. Then ask why NATO even exists in a post Cold War world.------------------Late Bill Blum wrote a book called the ROGUE STATE.--------Now follows of an event in Canada and worth watching as you do not see it on MSM !?---https://youtu.be/s3syHfVzyMQ?si=ak7U9sB3Y_Tr_sSd-------I also read abook called WEB OF DECEIT by MARK CURTIS and it spells out the evil in GOVERNMENTS/MSM etc! Hence I do not take sides or trust a word that is being said about RUSSIA/UK/USA/ISRAEL etc as it is all scripted!

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No doubt, politicians are very good at the game they play.

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