Will look after themselves if left well alone. Bit late for that tho'

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A few months ago I saw people writing and talking about them going to cull 200,000 cows in Ireland because the farts from them was destroying the world. Not sure why but I decided to read into the North American bison picture and found out that the settlers slaughtered say 40 million bison in the 1800s!? Now the bison farts never destroyed the world but people nearly destroyed the bison! Was it to control the natives?

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Yes, bison were essential to the survival of the indigenous people. They slaughtered 1.5 million in a single year to create dependence on the US government. Not a very nice episode; there's a photograph that always haunts me: https://images.app.goo.gl/Zda1GruaNbKxFjq46

Classic American hate-filled history! I say bring back the Bison.

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