Like this. Wondering if the protest happened at the mostly empty race track or were you there to gamble and contemplate the state of things after the event? As for Lennon (one of my heroes as well) along with the Hippies - were more in touch with Christ teachings of real Love than the conservative, so called Christians that would have Jesus arrested for vagrancy or worse if he showed up at their doorsteps. Hippies were also right about protecting/respecting the environment, healthy natural diet, getting back to nature and protesting for Civil Rights and against stupid, wasteful wars. Where they blew it in my humble opinion was with too many drugs and empty sex aka free love bs. But they were the iconoclast generation and yet their legacy does continue in all the protests that have followed like the one you attended. Not that they invented protesting - the workers rights movement had been doing that for decades before. But they lit the torch big time and were vigilant unlike post recent generations who only do a big protest occasionally. As Gandhi and MLK and Mandela proved - that militant civil disobedience works but has to be a constant ongoing process for years, decades, lifetimes before the desired results are achieved. Other aspects of the 1960s social revolution - both good and bad have manifested in myriad ways in the 21st century whether the youth know it or not. Like Newton said - everything is built on the shoulder of giants - from the past. We are all part of the tapestry flow of history. Very little or big actions do have an effect aka Butterfly Effect - again scientific ecology 101. Keep up the introspective style of fiction - a cool niche that is needed.

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Ecology! If only more people were aware of this word and its importance. Thank you for your thoughts.

This is, in actual fact, completely fictional, and based on a news headline from the time. I am writing imagining that I am the billionaire who decided to stop funding Just Stop Oil - a major protest group in the UK.

All of my newsflash stories fictionalise events behind the news - very few are written from personal experience. I write from personal experience on another newsletter of mine called 🌼

daisy age🌼 (one I don't publicise, as it's only designed for people who want to read my writing.)

Really appreciate your words man! Have a good one today

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Oh - context I missed. Makes sense now as the person/protester did not seem to take the protest seriously or get why. Would like to read one of your more personal pieces sometime. Cheers!

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Oct 10, 2023Liked by Tom Somerfield

I wonder what he had for dinner.

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Something vegan

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