Oct 16, 2023Liked by Tom Somerfield

Beautiful writing on an ugly situation. 👌

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How the UK military supports Israel's combat operatio...https://www.dailymaverick.co.za › article › 2021-05-15...

How the UK military supports Israel's combat operations against Palestinians. By Mark Curtis

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After reading the MARK CURTIS book WEB OF DECEIT it opened my eyes further to the EVIL THAT GOES ON IN THE WORLD. I also used to exchange views with an American called Bill Blum who wrote a book called ROGUE STATE. I exchanged views with him as first read his take on the Panama invasion by the Americans and having lived in Panama had an interest!?As said it is the PLEBS that pay with BLOOD AND DEATH and many shall not know what they are dying for!?

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I have only glanced through this video---but tells you a lot of facts and truth!?---https://youtu.be/ZXfuqUhzESg?si=aohbWXi4C-J-ULpB

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My first encounter with Palestinians was on a bus in Romania or Yugoslavia and my first bit of education about PALESTINE V ISRAEL etc!? That was in 1977. I had travelled up from Turkey using lifts and bus and was on a bus from Romania heading to Zagreb. There were 4 or 5 young men on the bus and turned out to be Palestinians!?!? I was chatting with them an dthey did not know my accent but all changed when they realised I was from UK! They had a deep hatred for UK/USA etc. Now I do not take sides as people are people and it is the RULERS/POLITICIANS/ESTABLISHMENT that cause the problems and the plebs pay in blood and death!?


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