Clearly a bit of 'fame power' has went to his head and thinks he can do what he likes!? Sadly the vast majority of people put such people on a pedestal and that is the big problem. Most scared to look at them and to tell them to fcuk off at times. On a personal note I had 3 or 4 seconds of MARVEL fame as an extra in END GAME and I must admit all involved in the organisation were kind and courteous to the extras etc and made one feel they were part of the team! Sad what has happened!

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You were an extra in Endgame?! Fantastic!

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Have another wee look ho ho ho----https://youtu.be/Pl9lW_oxQHo?si=9XXeRC-KYZi6z8LA

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Unreal! Hahahaha, that is brilliant. To the best song in the film, as well!

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