At present and do not know for how long in the past but the politicians are controlled and in the pockets of WEF/PHARMA/BANKERS etc and the fact that FACEBOOK called a meeting in FEB 2020 with who ever knows but it was to control what could be said on social media1? SAYS IT ALL!----In February, Facebook used its headquarters in Menlo Park, California, to host a summit of World Health Organization officials and tech companies about managing the so-called infodemic of fake health news. In early March, before much of corporate American had decided how to handle COVID-19, Facebook shut its offices, sent its 45,000 employees home, and canceled major events more than 13 months out. In April, it waded directly into the political storm around reopening the country, pulling down ads for anti-lockdown protests in places like New Jersey and Nebraska, sparking outrage on the right. Last week, it dramatically announced, in the New York Times, a new “oversight board” to guide its decisions on removing content, made up of an unapologetically globalist mix of academic experts, journalists and political figures.

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'Cos sound is moving air anything that moves air will always make sound.

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Could make a comment but a bit rude! smile!

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