Dec 14, 2023Liked by Tom Somerfield

Anyone with a mash of random and inedible memories just needs a little ketchup.

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Ahhhhh... Bisto

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It all starts from the day you are born. Depends if your parents are sheep or putrid mutton!? Sheep get out of the evil pen where as the putrid mutton just go along with all sort of evil atrocities etc! Vast majority of parents trust the politicians/MSM/royals/leaders etc so they start feeding those same thoughts into you/me/them etc!? Then it continues through education. Told to respect the minister/priest/doctors/cops/lawyers etc even if they are greedy, robbing, pervy paedophiles or what ever!? A lot is covered up when you go up the ladder of society!? Regarding bosses and work etc. It depends if you are in public or private sector and the criminal picture is far worse in the public sector and once again it is all hidden and you are told it is all legal!? Last 4 years have shone a big light as who loved the lock downs and evil behaviour from the WEF/WHO/GOVERNMENTS etc. The PUBLIC SECTOR! So no great shock then. The public sector should also include companies that were getting great big hand out contracts from friends in councils and governments etc!? Maybe not in my life time but in the history books may show them up to be evil perfidious scum they are! YES/NO?

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