A milestone piece. 🇧🇷

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vamos embora pai!!

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I did not read the original story as it shall be all doom and gloom mixed with lies from the MSM. If you go to the coast and head north and turn a few corners and keep going you shall come to Panama! In 1985 I lived there and a friend whom I used to speak to me told me that with the deforestation was putting the Panama Canal in danger as the lakes that feed the canal were drying up. He was from Panama and that was in 1985!? Since then god only knows how much more deforestation has taken place an dthey have widened and deepened the canal in places!? Back in the 80s etc ships had to wait for a couple of days to get through but now you can add on 20 days to that and at times more as there is a lack of water to feed the canal!? Some ships now even go down and round the bottom of South America. Oh it is climate change they say!? A little bonus here also---You know your GREEN BIOMAS ----Some of the trees are cut down in Eastern Canada and shipped to UK etc. Now does that not take the pi$$ out of GREEN!!?

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