CANADA/UKRAINE in top spot of NAZI LOVERS!? YANKS/BRITS in second spot!------Bill Blum wrote this in 2014--So why are you and others like you in mainstream media creating the same mentality that started the First World War (and the Cold War)?…….That is, demonizing Putin and Russia instead of showing the history and motivation of Western invasion and interference in Ukraine. Then ask why NATO even exists in a post Cold War world.------------------Late Bill Blum wrote a book called the ROGUE STATE. He had worked for USA government but left and became a writer etc!?!?


Above is what no one talks about ae people do not like the truth and facts but what only the perverse POLITICIANS/MSM churns out!? How many died between 2014 and the conflict going on now!?

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Thought the puddle was going to turn grim but just an everyday puddle....like the ones on my street.

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